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The topic for this first month of 2004 is to Garg-ify YOURSELF! Try to take your most distinctive characteristics and see how they would come out looking in the Gargoyles universe!
This is a re-do of an old topic, but pictures previously submitted for that topic will not be accepted as new entries, sorry.
Have Fun, and Happy New Year! :D
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Title: picture life Artist: Sarah Bergs It's a picture of my gargoyle self when I draw a picture and then it comes to life. It's based on the one movie we have at school where a gold drawing of a seahorse comes to life. Age 8 yrs. |
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Title: weee!im a garg!=P Artist: Ryhanna"Varena"Tittle Well this is me! Not realy sure what to say, this is my 4th attempt i can't describe the joy i felt when it finaly worked=D |
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Title: Natural Blonde Artist: Caleigh M. Allen [BRIO] When it said "personal trait", I thought... Well, I'm a natural blonde *coughnojokescough*, so I decided to incorporate that into me messing up the Gargoyle potion and turning myself Dalmation by accident!*laughs* This is my first time entering, and I just wanted to try it out... I hope you guys enjoy it!:) |
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Title: Blue Artist: Sara Berkeley [Imaginator Central] Simplicity is best sometimes. |
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Title: Gray Artist: Amanda 'Shinga' Bussell [Engel Grove] The color gray pretty much describes how I feel a lot of the time, and who I am... thus, I am a gray gargoyle. Yes, I do own that outfit, all of it. Mwaha. Second of all, I did write the poem thing... in about 30 seconds after I finished the pic and decided it needed oomph. Thirdly, don't the wings just KICK? ;) ... Also, I just noticed I may have drawn myself too tall. Oops. |
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Title: Shade Artist: DragoonCreations Shade Gargoyle New 3D Character. Shade is the one of my little girl I did. |
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Title: Mas Artist: Sam It's me, well, me as a gargoyle anyway. Mas is her name, which is my real name spelled backwards. Isn't that exciting? Anyway, I drew it all playful looking and such, because that's how I feel more than not. Well, that or bitter, but, you know. |
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Title: College Student Artist: Revel [The Inside] Well, here I am working hard as usual, a soon to graduating art student. Though in all honesty I've never seen my dorm room so clean. |
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Title: Just Me Artist: Jo Ann Medrano I'm a simple gal. I love cats, love Batman, love to draw, etc, etc, etc... don't tell the truth about my weight... etc... etc... |
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Title: RAHHH!!! Artist: Dana Okay, this is me "as" a gargoyle. Considering I will never make an actual costume, this is as close to one that I'll ever get. I am in ahh at those who take the time and energy to make such things for real. I did this out of good fun. Hope you like. |
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Title: holy crap! Artist: Elisa funny, when i saw this topic a while back, i had wished i was well skilled enough to enter. i'm freakin' glad to see that you peeps brought back this one. it's a first time for me to finally work up the gumption to enter, so wha-la! |
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Title: Snarf Artist: Bethsheba [Bethsheba's Webpage] it looks better in real life i swear ;) that and i 'scanned' it using my new digital camera/web cam due to lack of actual scanner so until i figure out how to actually use it i'm stuck w/ fuzzy pics :P o well at least i've finally made my 2nd entry ^_^ |
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Title: In a world of my own making Artist: Graham Ganson [Xanithar] Most men would portray themselves as a sports super star gargoyle, but I say it's vanity and I'll have no part. I'm unique, I'm odd, I admire the Earth, especially the sea as in this picture. I love sharks, I think they are beautiful, which most people don't. I am the punk rocker, Artsy, Recluse gargoyle and the Sea is my heaven in which I would dwell eternally. And you may wonder... Why those blue lines on your arms? That is my dedication to my own comic book called "Xanithar." |
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Title: Yoga Artist: M. "Fellanora" Kirk [Fellanora's Art Gallery] M...stretchy! Gotta work out those kinks from sketching while curled in a little ball and glowering. |
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Title: What Is She Drawing? Artist: Margaret Demona May Stephens [Night Stone Unlimited] Okay here we go. My kid always wanted to know what I'm drawing all the time.. Soo this time, As I about to do a drawing I'm letting him to find out what I'm drawing next. :) If you have a kid or Kids you know what they do best by being nosie and getting into your things |
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Title: Dreams Artist: Lily Allison [Randomness:It's a good thing] Well, I finally stopped being lazy and entered this time. (yay!) I assumed that since we were fufilling our fantasies of being gargoyles with this topic, I might as well realize another one of my (more domestic) dreams: to take a nap. *sigh* I never seem to have those anymore. Anyway, me sleeping on my bed...yes, I do have that cow pillow, and that picture above the bed. On a side note, I used to like my plantation shutters alot better before starting this; now, not so much. |
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Title: untitled Artist: Galax [Galax Acheronian] Yes, Thats me *g* |
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Title: On the plus side... Artist: CT [Gargoyles x Gundams] Okay, great, I'm a gargoyle. Now I suppose I'll have to alter all my clothes, take night classes, and go fight crime. On the plus side, I'll never have to buy shoes again! Media: pencil, Micron pens, Prismacolor and Crayola markers |
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Title: Drake #1 Artist: Drake I look good in black so that dictates the skin color. Even though im an art nerd, i work out alot so i'm actually built this way. I don't remember what i was gonna put in his hands, so use your imagination. He's wearing the kaki shorts, green muscle shirt and cocky smirk I'm known for. It's cool, i have a thick brow and superman chin, so this looks alot like me. |
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Title: I Am Canadian! Artist: Corrinthia aka AvA [Dream In Digital] Well this is my first entry into the contest after much lurking about and admiring everyone elses. Figured it would be a good contest for me to introduce myself. I live in Ontario, so i used to skyline of Toronto for my background. |
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Title: Moi Artist: Candy Palmer [Candy's Art Haven] Well I haven't submitted anything here in awhile and I thought it might be fun to design myself as a gargoyle. I'm kind of just standing there but it was still fun to color. I like the final result. ^_^ |
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Title: Why it's Me! Artist: Jared Brown [Darkstream Studios] That's me...as a gargoyle. I just wish i could find a pair of boots big enough to fit my feet!! hehe |
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Title: Just Me Artist: Wynn D. Fae [Wynn D. Fae@DeviantART] I almost didn't enter this month since I thought this was way too boring, but it pretty much just shows the topic of this month so...yeah, here's me as a gargoyle. I figured red would suit me best. |
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Title: Second job Artist: Megan "Pathrell" Tittle [Avalon] I work rennaissance faires, so faire has become like a second home to me. It seemed only natural to draw myself in garb. Corsets and bodices are becoming more comfortable then regular clothes... scary... |
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Title: Artist: Airalana what can I say? I was having artisit block there for while and drawing for this helped me get over that. ^_^ |
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Title: Portrait of myself Artist: Tribun [Tribun's Gargoyles Page] Not much to say. That is me, as close as I can do it. |
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Title: The G-SATs Artist: Top Man, the Spinning Demon Hey everyone! Not only am I new to this contest, but I'm new to art contests period =P. Aaanyways, this is me. For some reason I am red and purple, don't quite know why. Also, since school, my arch-nemesis, is where I usually live my life because it's taking over my brain, I decided to draw me doing what I do constantly: be stupid at tests. (P.S. The "G" stands for Gargoyles!!!) |
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Title: Watashi Artist: Supergirl [Supergirls Art Gallery] I decided to take a more technilogical approch this time and digitally eddited one of my senior pictures. I credit the ears to Legolas and the wings to a lucky bat that I happened to find a picture of. I wish I could have found better wings but it was getting too l=close to the end of this month. So here is what we get. |
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Title: Can't Decide what to Draw Artist: Nebulan [gallery] MeGarg is having drawing block yet she's surrounded by all the different things she likes! Some of these actionfigures and toys I own but not all. One thing particularly on MeGarg's mind is her boyfriend, Adam. |
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Title: I Make Faces. Artist: Silver [Silver's DA Gallery] I haven't submited much of anything in awhile.. blah. Anyway, Me as a gargoyle? Had that one figured out a long time ago.. :P At any rate, drew gargie-me giving one of my goofy looking faces as I draw something... and the way I become intergated into wherever I may be sitting. Yeah, this is kinda a pulled out of my back end entry but I dun care. |
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Title: Artchicks Undergrads Artist: Lynati [Lynati's Narcissism Page] Myself and Shinigami, drawn a couple months ago - and yes, this is a "Chicago" parody as well. ; ) (Recongize the outfits?) She's got a pencil; I'm the furry one holding a ceramics "loop tool". |
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Title: Completing the Puzzle Artist: Shinigami [S7UD10 07H3R] Who am I? Who are you? Who are any of us? Ad infinitum. Only not so much. Part of being an artist is constantly reevaluating the world around us, the world we *wish* to see, and in the same venue, re-evalunting ourselves as we are, and how we *wish* to see ourselves. I say "Check, please." and submit my entry. |
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Title: MommySpike Artist: Spike [The Rockaway] Well, if this isn't me, I don't know what is. *L* That's Speezo, the world's first feline invertebrate, who thinks I'm sitting in his chair most of the time. |
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Title: Meredith Vo-goyle Artist: Zoe Closer to what i really look like then Zoe or Vo. |
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Title: Leagargress Artist: Leandra Mikhael Ciccone This is my first posting on M.G.C. I tried to do one last month but didn’t make it. So I hope you like this one. I been thinking of what I wanted to look like gargified long before this months contest was anointed. I have 3 other pictures of my self as a gargoyle at home. A factor in my appearance is my culture heritage. I’m English, Italian, Scottish, and Uruguayan. I’m also righting my first story I hope you read it when I post it. I like to thank Spike Hayden, Kanthara Charlebois and all you other fans/artistes out there up until last year I though that no one cared about gargoyles until I went on the internet and found all of this and even a convention. I hope to make it to Gathering 2004 Spike and Kanthara I hope I get to meet you there. This picture was made using Photoshop Elements. |
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Title: Fight? Artist: Angie 'Jessie' McClelland This was actually really hard for me. I've never been a gargoyle, nor thought of myself as one; I've always been a wolf something (mutate, then anthro). So it took me ages to come up with something. I decided to go with a more Notre Dame-esque look, as their gargoyles are very animalistic. So I still managed to be able to keep the wolfish aspects. I also didn't want to draw a 'just standing there' type pic, so I drew me doing one of my favorite activities: padded weapon fighting! |
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Title: Snowwhite Artist: Anna Kätzler white as snow, rosy as blood, black as ebony - thats why my friends sometimes call me snowwhite so here I am, as a white gargoyle :) |
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Title: simply me ^^ Artist: Coda [studio DDS] well... it doesn't need comments ^^;; It's me in gargoyle form. Done on Opencanvas... |
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Title: Me and Ajay Artist: Cams Quite often I find my son trying to climb into my lap while I'm working at the computer. Makes me hope that one day he'll love to draw too, or maybe just be a tech geek since he's always trying to get his hands on the keyboard. Whatever it is, he's a lot of fun to have around and I am never lonely anymore with my little constant companion. :) |
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Title: Meg and Greg Artist: Meg Glancy Just me and my chameleon pal, Greg. I have always wanted to throw something in but I felt that everything I have done was crap. But I guess crap is better than nothing. |
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Title: Garg me Artist: Neomae That´s me :) |
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Title: Coming alive Artist: Epantiras [Epantiras's den] What would happen if your drawings could come alive? Well, never draw yourself as an angry gargress!! ;-) |
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Title: Size is Relative Artist: Sarah "Rianna" Adams Lancaster At four feet, eleven and three quarters inches tall, I am as tall as I am ever going to get. I've always been small for my age, where my cousin Meredith was tall. Combine this with an active imagination, and you get my tendency to put a funny spin on things. Yes, I do call broccoli 'mini-trees' when I eat them. I have since I was seven. Yes my cousin Mer is annoyed by it. She's the demoness next to me. The demoness thing is an inside joke we have. We're dorks. It's fun! So there I am, all garged out, still the geek I was born to be. Hurrah! |
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Title: Gargoyle Me Artist: Briana Barber AKA Feraway [Artsquish] Hopefully this is within the pg-13 guidelines. Anyway, yes, this is myself as a gargoyle. The wings are not comeing of the back but are actually in place of arms- there are little clawed wing-fingers, but you cant see them at this angle. I wasnt going to submit this at first, but then its like, meh, what the heck? so i did. (This is the first time I've actually ever put colored pencils to good use.) |
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Title: Flight Artist: Nicky Dee [NickyDee's Refuge] Well, seeing that nearly everyone is drawing themselves doing something they like to do as humans, such as drawing, writing, reading, etc., which is cool, I decided to draw myself doing something I KNOW I would like to do if I was a gargoyles, and that is flying! HAHA! I cannot tell you how how many times I've had dreams where I had wings and could fly! So here I drew myself as a gargy, doing what they do best. I hope you like it! |
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Title: Lilly & Aranesh Artist: Lilly & Aranesh [Aranesh's Lair] We are a couple since more than a year now and what brought us together are the gargoyles. So it isn't surprising, that our alter ego's are Gargoyles as well.It was a lot of fun to design us, as well as this picture. It is supposed to express our love to each other and the combination of our art, which made us capable of drawing pictures we alone would never have been able to. Hopefully you will enjoy this work. |
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Title: You and Me Artist: Rita M. This isn't only my entry, this is my S.Valentine gift for the love of my life, Davide (maybe it's a bit early ;P). I would be nothing without him and that's my personal way to show him he's always in my mind... Thank you for loving me Davide! |
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Title: Spawn Artist: Spawn The real side of me ^.^ |
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Title: Ni Artist: Y2Hecate [Hecatomb] Just me.. how I've spent a lot of my time so far in this new year. Tired, curled up in my soft new blanket, and randomly biting/licking objects. In this case, it's my mechanical pencil. |
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Title: Dreamie-garg Artist: Dreamie [Dreamie's Hideaway] I decided to go with a more realistic garg representation in this one. Hope ye like. :D |
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Title: Me and Panthos Artist: Holmponyfan2 Hello All!! This is my entry for this month's MGC, which is something I had wanted to do before but didn't have the oppurtunity. I hope it comes through okay, I think my scanner was acting funny . .. Anyway, I've always like the beaked face on the gargoyles so I though, well, that's me!!! And, I'm with a creature of my own creature for a story line I am developing in hopes of marketing some day. He's a 'garguli pantheras major' and his name is Pantheros. ^_^ Enjoy!! |
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Title: Only in Dreams Artist: Joanna Cleland [Delirioushatter (DeviantArt)] Gosh, I hope this isn't too late. I really know how to procrastinate. Anyway, I was in a major debate of what to do this month. My Ojanna character is the one that looks the most like me...but after an arguement with the cowriter of "Slow Motion Riot," I decided Hatter would best represent me. So here is Hatter cold-cocking my friend Nick's character (Draken Blezang) upside the head. Don't piss us off. |
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Title: Learner glider Artist: silverbolt I've always wondered what it would be like to glide, however it would probably take lots of practise to get it right. Here's one of my early attempts... with painful results. Hey, it took me two years just to learn how to drive a car! |
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Title: Campigarg Artist: campi [PKE Online] My first entry... if I was a gargoyle I'd be blue, since that's my favorite color. I'd still be having my tattoo. |
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Title: Taken a break. Artist: Kaylee Skylyn [Silent Echo] I'm not an artist by profesion so this is Kaylee, my Gargoyle character, shown taking a break from field work. In the summer I spend most of my time outdoors doing environmental fieldwork (ELC or Wetland Evaluations) and often take brakes leaning on the tool like this. Cookies for anyone who knows what the (very badly drawn) tool she’s leaning on is( or even what it is used for!) ^_~ Uncoloured due to my recent move taking up all my time and leaving me with no scanner or net ('cept when I come home for weekend). |
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Title: In the Forest Artist: Autumn I always figured that if I was a gargoyle, then I would spend most of my time outside in the forest with other gargoyles. Unfortunatly it looks like nobody bothered to show up to my little shin-dig. |
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All artwork displayed © by the artist.