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They soar in the water as their cousins do in air, each wave a gust of wind, each current a floating breeze. We speak of course, of the newly discovered tribes of aquagoyles, a subspecies of the gargoyle genus. These hereto unknown tribes were first discovered by pearl divers and have now been recorded in all the major oceans of the world. Today the MGC Society sets out on its maiden sea voyage in search of new species. Travel along side scientists and oceanographers as they track and record these elusive creatures. Join us as we explore.." Beneath the Waves".
1. design an aquagoyle! (an aquatic gargoyle)
2. explain your design (and if you wish, about where your species can be found and other tidbits)
Archive not yet complete, check back soon!
Entry | Artistic Votes | Creativity Votes | |
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Title: Artist: Sara B. [Sara's Website] Whoo! This one took a while for me to finish. (Good thing for the extra time!) Anyhoo, I kinda figure aqua gargs would fit in with their environment, similar to the London or Guatamalan gargs. So I based two on various fish: Manta Ray and Lion Fish. The third one I used my own Atlantean design for, to give a bit more variety. Enjoy! |
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Title: Artist: Lady Shadow [Lady Shadow's Webpage] This is the first photoshop pic I have done in a long, long time and I'm quite happy with it despite my arm being very sore after fighting with my mouse. My aquagarg has fins of a Lionfish. The title comes from the Live album, Distance to Hear, which i was listening to while I drew the pic. Warning: she isn't wearing much...Enjoy! |
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Title: Artist: Amber Thomas [Amber's Webpage] Ok, I will explain where this Aquagoyle is from and who she is. Her name is Crete, and her origins are in Greece. She has the ability to glide, but is much more adapt in the sea. She can move onto land through gliding or crawling up from the beach. Like the flying fish, Crete has the ability to leap out of the water, open her wings, and glide for a short distance on the small updrafts of the sea before submerging once more. |
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Title: Artist: Krista "Artemis" Leemhuis [Krista's Webpage] I finally entered! YAAAY! This pic is of a character that comes from my Atlantis storyline. This guy--Taam'ven--lives on the same planet as the "Tree Indians" (or "Rashans") and is related (distantly) to them. I kinda like this guy! I hadn't really thought about having aqua-gargs in my storyline...perhaps Mr. Ven will make a little appearance at some point! (heehee) :)) Enjoy! |
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Title: Artist: Kythera of Anevern [Kythera's Webpage] The sudden backwash of water overhead set the pines running along her scalp on end. She turned and looked cautiously over her shoulder as she glided slowly along the edge of the reef. The shark struck suddenly, but not faster than Lyonesse could flare the spines along her back and arms, giving her attacker a series of quick, venomous stings that sent it on its way and the gargoyle darting quickly beneath a sheltering outcropping of coral. [Lyonesse is designed after the poisonous lionfish, and colored using PhotoShop. I wanted her to look just like the fish she was based on... very beautiful but deadly. They usually swim along very slowly, but are capable of startling bursts of speed when the need arises.] |
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Title: Artist: Spike [Spike's Webpage] At last! A chance to combine two of my favorite subjects -- underwater gargoyles and watercolors. Although the central figure of the "Seaguardian" and the seaweed were played with traditional watercolors, I decided to use Photoshop to assemble the picture in layers to convey the feeling of being underwater. Additional entries: spike2: For those of you interested in my artistic processes, here's the links to the original pencil sketch (the head in the corner belongs to Trenton, Lex's son in my fanfic world) spike3: and to the watercolor study, incorporating paints, crayons, and pens as I experimented with the evolution of the character. |
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Title: Artist: odd sight [Odd Sight's Webpage] I couldn't sleep one night so I drew... and this is what I ended up with. |
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Title: Artist: Tana [Tana's Webpage] After about 3 different concept sketches, I finally came up with a final design for my Aquagoyle: Pearl. She has developed webs from thumb to toe to help her swim, and a set of gills in addition to her lungs to allower to breath both water and air. Wings and head-ridges have been eliminated to create a more streamline predator. Larger, multi-faceted eyes allow her to see a larger radius: to search for food, or watch for possible threats. Pearl sports a fish-skin wrap, and clam-shell necklace. She also wears an anklet decorated with sharks' teeth as a reminder that she is viscious and beautiful at the same time. |
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Title: Artist: Eden [Eden's Island] Yes, yet another picture by Eden that got out of hand. This started as a doodle I did backstage! I swear it!...But then I found my watercolors..ooh boy. Well either way, I'm pretty proud of this one. Here's a femme aqua-goyle brushing her hair as her mate looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was really trying to go for a transparent look in the wings, brows, and fins. I have become VERY facinated with fish fins now. Starring into a aquarium at a sushi restraunt for 20 minutes will do that to a gal... |
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Title: Artist: Vig [Vigistry] Drinking lava lamps is bad, m'kay? |
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Title: Artist: Thundra [Thundra's Webpage] Well, I got inspired by my buddy Djali and so i kinda started drawing and then I started inking then i got home and started coloring, and i'm really proud with the results!! :D I'm calling her Coral, and, yeah, I think thats about it :) (i love the tail) ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: Launia This is the first time I've EVER tried anything like this, and the only thing I could think of was an atlantis, type one. Almost lie "waterworld" but have it garg style. This is certainly -not- up to par to some of the others, but I waned to try to get my feet wet. Her name is Titania, yes after Titanic. My friends chose it, how can I argue? I DO wanna point at Drew (aaliyah) though. She's encouraged me for so long, and I am getting better (slowly)....but she's been an inspiration, and this is dedicated to her. |
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Title: Artist: Alake [Alake's Webpage] no comments |
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Title: Artist: Ithaca "Woo-Woo" Willow :) [Ithaca's Webpage] Heyyy, everyone. In Kesalia's absence, I put on my creative cap an' got crackin'. :) Click here for a picture of the real-life Sea-Monkeys package. :) Absolutley Guaranteed to Grow! :D |
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Title: Artist: Shzuu Kenzu [Shzuu's Webpage] Sandra is a rather neat character in the fact that she is a Spotted Emora Eel. She was very fun to try and draw, now that I'm done with her I'm very happy with how she turned out. Her clothes were fun to make cus what does a person under water wear, even harder that she doesn't have legs so it was very diffcult to put some pants on her. The reason I pick the eel design is because I figured most would have something more everyday type of creature instead of odd one like an eel. Yes paint about 100 tiny spots takes very long ^_^. I hope everyone enjoys this pic asmuch as I had drawing it. |
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Title: Artist: Lady Dragona [Lady Dragona's Webpage] well.. first entry to MGC! hi! This is a picture of 4 deep sea 'goyles. The red one, called a Skargoyle, lives in the deepest parts of the ocean, usualy by undersea vents. It uses it's clawed hands to grab it's prey. It's feet and tail have melded together to create a snake like body. The blue is the underwater Bronx, no eyes and huge teeth, perfect for catching fish. The purple, spiny (called a urgoyle) one is related to the Sea Urchine, it can comunicate with sea life using it's mind, and lives at the far bottom of the ocean, near tropical islands. The bottom one is a mergoyle. It swims gracefully through the water at high speeds, often found playing with wales and dolphins. It lives on the coast of Mexico, all the way through to Australia. Hope that made sence! Thank you! |
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Title: Artist: Kalika [Kalika's Webpage] I like the colors, but it didn't turn out as planned ;) |
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Title: Artist: Kittyanya [Kittyanya's Webpage] I didn't know WHAT I was gonna do until I began too sketch a little. 5 minutes later, I looked down and saw her! :) Then, I wanted to see what Adobe could do, so I merged Adobe background with Colored pencil front. :) :) I LIKE it! |
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Title: Artist: Kanthara [Kanthara's Loft] "Hey, you, you're new in this village, hey? Come here, let me tell you about what the people of the village call a legend -- and I call truth. "Aye, true as I be here," says the old fisherman, "years ago there was a terrible sea serpent roaming the ocean beyond our village. It would attack the fishermen, upturn their boats and eat them! The people of the village were afraid to go out to sea, and since their main source of food came from the ocean the people went hungry. Aye, 'tis true." The old fisherman gives us a glare as we shrug, doubting these accounts of a sea monster. He shakes his head and continues, "The village was going hungry, indeed, and the sea serpent would continue to terrorize them until one day, a fair maiden decided to go out to sea to appease the monster. Oh, her mother cried and wailed like all women do, begged her not to leave, but she coudna stand and watch the people starve. "The maiden took a boat and went far into the ocean, and once there she sang for the monster, she sang to him to hear her plea and let the people fish again, she sang to appease the monster. True'nough, it did come out of the ocean in a spray of mists, roaring, but when it gazed upon her it was struck by her beauty, and the beauty of her song. She herself was taken by the sight of this powerful, graceful being, and sang her song even more beautifully. The creature was moved beyond words, and gave her the gift of water breathing to bring her with him to his castle under the sea. They fell in love, I know it, and they've had children of their own! I know, for I've seen them, three beautiful, graceful figures swimming under my nets, two females and a male, their long hair flowing in the water, shining, their fins growing out of their backs, shimmering with greens and blues... I've seen them, I tell you, the Children of the Sea Serpent." With that he gives us a final nod and sticks his pipe into his mouth, and looks at the ocean with his old eyes filled with wonder. We don't have the heart to tell him that what he saw were actually aquatic gargoyles, from a clan across the bay. They are triplets, the two females from the same egg and the male from a second one. They are inseperable, and they would love to reveal themselves to the people of the village... As for the sea serpent, well, who knows? |
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Title: Artist: Lacey [Lacey's Webpage] With the coloring of a longspine squirrelfish, this young male aquagoyle can be found haunting the coral reefs. From time to tome, though, he swims out to the deeper ocean. He is built for either gliding on the ocean currents or for more intense swimming, such as when escaping a predator. Ok, end of creature description. This guy was colored up in psp. :-) |
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Title: Artist: Medusa [Medusa's Webpage] Wheeeee!! :P It's Aquarina, the Aquagoyle! ^_^ I'm pathetic at names, yes. :P *evil grin* Anyhoo, this took me a long...long...long...time...@_@ This species of Aquagoyles can be found in cold oceans like the Pacific Ocean(is it cold?). The females are usually blue in colour whilst the males differ(I'm too lazy to draw males). ^_^ Hope everyone likes it! |
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Title: Artist: Hecate [Hecate's Webpage] We had a free day in class, so I decided to try some sketches for this month's topic. I actually liked the first one, so here it is all finished. ^_^ Just some nameless aquagoyle.. |
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Title: Artist: Zoe Bastet [Zoe's Webpage] This little creature's name is Atlantis. A young female Mergoyle and her companion Rusty, a merpup-goyle. Atlantis was an ink sketch treated with a combonation of Photoshop, Painter Classic, and the dreaded Freehand. She's a combonation of the land/air dwelling gargoyles, the aquatic dwelling merfolk, and the land/aquatic creature the crocodile. She is scaled like a reptile and has wings, a common gargoyle trait, which in her case are mearly for show... |
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Title: Artist: Kessalia This idea was inspired by my evil Global Tectonics prof who made me research antarctica this semester. I just finished that, so it was fresh in my mind. So this aquagoyle is kind of a cross between a humpback whale and a penguin... With the midnight sun in the background. This is probably my favorite picture I've done so far, and it's a combination of prismacolors and watercolor pencils, both of which I had to learn as I went... |
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Title: Artist: Cunning Murrell [Cunning Murrell's Webpage] This is a pic I've been designing for a long time. I think it took 8 sketches to finally get the pose and the look right, now I love it. I colored it in so that it looks like coral ( I hope ) since it's day time and during day time they mostly turn to stone so now I decided it's an under water one why not have it be coral. I decided not to give it ears either cause when you look at any fish which one of them have ears. Well I have to thank Psyche alot for doing the entire background for this pic. So I'd like for her to be credited for the background of the pic. Well I hope that's enough and I hope you enjoy the pic. Thank you. |
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Title: Artist: Rune Zobbe [Rune's Webpage] Sciences Report on AquaGoyls It is clear that the Aquagoyl race have living in the ocean for a long time. Their wings have change into a pair of large fins, which give them an almost perfect mobility in water, and their gills allow them to stay under water permanent. |
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Title: Artist: Sarah > '' < [Sarah's Webpage] I apologize for the lack of wings, but I thought that she wouldn't need them to swim. And hey, the water color background didn't turn out too badly either! hope you guys like her. Her name is Manta. (as in Manta Ray) |
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Title: Artist: Ylla [Ylla's Webpage] This was really fun to do ^_^ An aqua-goyle isn't really something I've tried before, but heck, if we all draw mermaids, why not aqua-gargs? Besides, how long has it been since I last submitted something to MGC? Though most of you probably don't care ;) ^_^ Um... I am not sure what the name of the fish this is based on IS, but it's a pretty irridescent blue aquarium fish (those BIG aquariums they have at like.. fish places... like... um, you know what I mean. The big things in the walls. ;) I don't suppose you'll see this particular aqua-gargoyle if you just go on one of those Dolphin safaris, because it's rare and it lives waaaaaay way down really deep. She blends in with the water anyway (which, even though it's green here, we all know is actually BLUE ;) However, if you DO actually manage to catch a glimpse of one of these deep-sea beauties, please don't be like that scientist guy from Splash and try to tape it, or catch it or stick it in tanks in labs and perform experiments on it! It's not nice and not even remotely humane. ;) So be nice, look but don't touch, don't dump ughie stuff in the oceans when you grow up, be good to your environment, look at the pic, vote, and maybe you'll even vote for me, eh? ;) It's always good to dream... ^_~ |
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Title: Artist: Jana I don't really have an explaination for my aquagoyle, I just had fun designing her. With the fins, I tried to make them seem transparent, I think it worked out ok. I'm very happy with how it turned out, just the way I planned it to ^-^ |
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Title: Artist: Megan "Pathrell" Tittle [Pathrell's Webpage] This handsome guardian of the deepest sea is modeled after an angler fish. The spots on his tail and the ends of the filaments on his head are phosphorescent, attracting prey and enabling feeble sight in the inky depths. His weapon is just sharpened coral, but it made sense. (done in ink and colored pencils, touched up in photoshop) |
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Title: Artist: Vulcan [Vulcan's Webpage] This Quilla a young garg, that lives with her clan off the coast of Peru and Chile. Her tribal-clan is very well intune with nature and magic. |
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Title: Artist: Fire Sawin [Fire's Webpage] THese are (from right to left) Latikana, Jabril, Nixi, and Zoren. They are of a clan of gargoyels and a clan of merpeople who live in the Pacific, north of Hawaii. Jabril and Nixi are in trouble because they stole two of the light spheres that are set up in the underwater fortess made by "grandmother" the one who lead the first group of humans and gargoyles under the waves and caused thier transformations to happen so that they would addapt to their new home. Merman-Gargoyle relations have gone a long a bit better, as can be seen in Latikana, who, while mostly gargoyle, bears the tail of a mermaid from a mermaid-gargoyle mating in the clans history. While not common, they do happen, and are generally accepted by both clans living together beneath the waves. Zoren is a gaurd from the castle, one of the higherranking lower gaurds. (his trident bears a light sphere and red coral inlay.) Nixi is a throw back to more land-gargoyle form, as her wings are more like! wings and not like fins. I figured that there wasn't a lot of light for gagoyles to get energy off of during the day, so the wings are larger and made to capture energy from what light there is to help sustain them both day and night. The wings are too flimsy for gliding, but require a lot less energy than gliding. They also snap back into a down the back folded position, instead of folding around the shoulders, so that they can swim faster when they need to. (can you really see Latikana swimming fast with her wings spread out like that?) All of the patterns on these guys are baised off of fish that I saw while snorkling in Hawaii reciently, including and esp. Nixi's little flowyhead-crest. it's more of a mix of two types of angel fish, but I couldn't find any pictures of the fish that I saw with that. It was just sooo neat! ^_^ I wish I coulda' done this on Photoshop, but I don't have it right now. :p so I did the best I could with color pencils. I hope ya'll enjoy it, as my first submission. ^_^ I had fun making it. ^_^ Ok, I'm babbling now... I'll let ya'll go. ^_^ bye! Additional entries: Fire2: This is just a close-up sketch I did of Nixi when she is older. ^_^ (and in a lot less trouble.) |
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Title: Artist: Kendo I got the idea for seeing pictures of manta rays and so that was how this was created. I don't have a name for it though. This is my first MGC submission. I used a real picture for the background because I didn't think I would have enought time to finish it. |
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Title: Artist: CK Eberth Just a pic I drew out of boredom. Enjoy. |
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Title: Artist: Netlady [Netlady's Webpage] The gargoyles' wings and closer to fins lexington-style and I've added a fin to the top of her head 'cause I like fins...;) i've been trying real hard to add 'veins' in the gargoyles' wings, so if you look closely you may be able to see it. The quote on the bottom is french, it translates as: "I have bathed in the poem of the sea". I hope you have as much fun looking at the pic as I had drawing it! |
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Title: Artist: Dirce [Dirce's Webpage] these gargoyles live in shallow tropical waters and are not air-breathers. their shed skin piles up to form reefs like coral. the male is based on a manta ray and the female on a finny tropical fish. |
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Title: Artist: Daroneasa This was done in Paint Shop Pro 3. Eek! Anyone wanna donate photoshop? Please?;> Marianna is just your average mergoyle. |
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Title: Artist: Aimee Major [Aimee's Studio] I thought it would be fun to extend and kindof... evolve alot of natural gargoyle spike areas into something that would be better for swimming (or at least look cooler while doing so. muaha) So this is what I came up with after a few doodles. I'm sorry I haven't done an entry in so long. Working and going to school just takes all my time away. <:\ Anyway, it's done with Col-erase and Photoshop. (Extra thanks to Jen for letting me use her scanner and computer!) |
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Title: Artist: Naiomi (Meghan-Mun) [Naiomi's Webpage] Erm... hunh... my first entry in here, so i'm really not sure what to type. lol. *thinks* erp, i guess... i like the coloring job, heh. Hope ya'll like it to ;) |
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Title: Artist: Amy K. Cyrway [Amy's Webpage] Okay, the story behind this one: I originally drew the crab dude. Hey, it came out awesome, I felt good about it, and then I realised it was missing something, like an opponent or something. So I drew the manta dude. Then I realised what I had done. The moral of the story? Watching third season Beast Wars while doing your MGC Aquagoyle entry pic is bad, mmm'kay? *drools over Depth Charge.* |
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Title: Artist: Ariel [Ariel's Webpage] This is my first entry, so be kind! ;) I was kinda stuck with what to do for this topic, but after looking at fish pictures fora bit and some very very strange doodles, I came across a photo of the manta ray and one of the Beta Japanese Fighting fish (Purty!). So I thought to myself "Hey why not take the best of both worlds" Voila~! We have this lil chickie here, done in acrylic with a bit of photoshoping. I like her tail.... ;) |
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Title: Artist: Shing "Psyche" Khor [Psyche's Webpage] Well...I REALLY wanted to mutilate a garg *grins at Siryn*, but I settled for this instead. So yup, there's a story behind this-but you have to click to find out. Additional entries: Shing2: The coloured version of the Aya picture-I liked the b&w version better, though. |
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Title: Artist: Rebecca [Rebecca's Webpage] "Mariposa de la mar," "Butterfly of the Sea," as the old Peruvian sailors speak of her in hushed tones in their storytelling late at night. Mariposa can occasionally be seen from the coast on dark nights as a brief glimpse of wing-like fins in the glow of bulbed antenna. But she and her migrating clan prefer the deep ocean, protecting the secrets of the dark ravines and basins of the vast Pacific ocean. This is my first MGC entry, I hope you enjoy it! |
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Title: Artist: Kei Hello everyone. I had fun with this month's entry. I had a drawn background but it was too dark. Anyway I had trouble so I ended up with what I have now but I don't think its too bad. Her name is Seras and she's a guardian of the Lost City of Atlantis, part of Oberon's kingdom. See you guys later! =) |
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Title: Artist: Kali Gargoyle This is my first entry here. She's been sitting in the back of my binder for a while and recently went through a major makeover. The design is based mostly on the manta ray. I hope you like it, you better for all I went through to get it scanned... |
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Title: Artist: Vartan Papazian [Vartan's Webpage] I figured the majority would be doing a Gargoyles / Little Mermaid crossover type angle for this month's entry. Thus, I took a more Darwinistic approach. The "Aquagoyle" in my pic, has features which evolution has provided for all aquatic creatures. Instead of a simple garg top and mermaidish tail, I dealt with the whole body. The first thing you'll probably see is the longer-than-usual tail. I just figured why not? Notice the Arthropodic antenae attached to the crest, and the two dorsal fins on her spine; As well as a set of pectoral fins and a tattered fluke. I decided to give her a red light on her forehead, like that of an Angler Fish. Perhaps a practical use for it would be to attract food or a mate. The webbed fingers (though they could have been longer) and forearm spikes could be used for steering and additional propultion in the water. I also decided not to dress her, as nature proves, the sleeker the body, the more graceful underwater. There is nothing sexual however about her appearence, especially her breasts, with a lack of nipples as I figured aquagoyles wouldn't nurse their young (their not mammals after all). If you look carefully at her stomach region you will notice gills on her sides. My final effect was her scales. I was originally going to make the classic Little Mermaid "draw three scales here and there, they'll get the point". This was until I saw a preview for the upcoming Marvel X-men Movie. In it, they depict the character "Mystique" with blueish scales covering her entire body. This was the inspiration behind my scales. So there you have it." |
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Title: Artist: Jen De Salme a.k.a. Mercedes [Mercedes' Webpage] The female on the left and the males are warted seadevils and the garg-pet on the right is based on a blue lantern fish. The reason for the spear? "Males are parasitic, attaching themselves to the females and growing fast to them, their eyes and digestive organs ceasing to develop."(A Golden Guide: Fishes) Would YOU want males parasitically attached to YOU? And, yes, the males are really that small in comparison to the female Okay, I know this pic is dark, but it came out cool. ^_^ Additional entries: < Octapus: Look, it's an octapus! I looked at all the entries and thought, "Why didn't someone do an octapus?" Unfortunately, I came up with this design a bit to late to do more than a sketch, but he's still cute. ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: Ithil [Myst.org] I shall cower once again and leave you with a cheap description: ha! |
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MGC website design © 2002
All artwork displayed © by the artist.