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evil villaness: o-ho ho ho ho! I'll get you my prettys and your little gargs too...*waves magic wand*
artists: *zzap* what..what's happening to us..we're..shrinking! *cue suspenseful music* what will become of us now ??hidden narrator: welcome my friends...to a place we call..the SD Zone!
All that is cute, all that is unpreportional, here is the realm in which it presides. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to reduce the gargoyle character(s) of your choice and let them run free in this kingdom of cuteness..we apologize for the above babble, its creators have been prompty fired and thrown back into their home in the fjords..with the mooses..meeses..meese
again we apologize, those who fired the babblers have themselves been fired and returned home to their..f *tape ends*
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Title: Artist: Brianna Garcia Whoo-Hoo! I live for Chibi/SD artwork! I do tons of Chibi art, and this one is probably my favorite. Alison Wilgus was so nice to give me a gallery on her page, so I did this pic for her: Chibi Bri-Goyle (me) and Ali-Goyle freakin out! Running and screaming is actually pretty fun; you should try it sometime. *^_^* |
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Title: Artist: Jen De Salme aka Mercedes [Mercedes' Webpage] Any of you remember my entry from July's contest (garg comics)? Well, this is kind of a continuation, in a way. The commentators, from left to right are: Broadway, Angela, Chimura, and Lexington. For those of you who don't know, Chimura is Lex's mate from Greece. She doesn't speak English too well, yet. .... Wow, I think this is the most canon characters I've ever drawn in one pic! Additional entries: sd ideas: The very first set of sketches I did when trying to come up with an idea for this month's entry. Trying out different styles of SDing... Merc is scary looking, Ukchan (one at bottom going "WAI!") and Chimura and adorable, Dantes came out perfect, and that sketch of Brook is where I came up with my idea. As for the Turkey in the bottom left hand corner... don't ask... I think he's in cahoots with the Purple Duck. bubbles: Bubble Girl and what she gets turned into when she gets caught a random poof of Chaos magic: Bubble Kowl! Based on the original Kowl, a pink flying, talking koala with giant ears from the 80's cartoon, She-Ra. The duck.... well, THAT is the infamous Purple Duck that keeps popping up everywhere in my drawings and RP'ing... |
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Title: Artist: Cunning Murrell [Cunning Murrell's Webpage] I don't know what I was thinking when I drew this but I just saw this cute little pics of my characters (Pearl, the one on the computer and Vesta the one with the kind of axe) and I thought I mind as well submit it even thow it didn't turn out that good and it's my first entry and I'm still an amateur artist so don't mind the crapiness. |
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Title: Artist: Pathrell [Pathrell's Webpage] When I first saw the topic I immediately thought "Ooh! Chance to draw Ophelia!" Even thought the topic isn't limited to Avalon, I had to find an excuse to draw my favorite warrior in a rare cute girly moment! ;) |
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Title: Artist: John Clemens [John's Website] A few firsts here. First MGC submission. First time I tried to ink a picture without my computer. Coloured in Photoshop. Grim-Rok Copyright to me and Demonalisa is copyrighted to her player. I'm more famous for my Steamboat Brooklyn. |
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Title: Artist: Sara Berkeley [Sara's Webpage] I gotta stop working so big. ^^; This one turned out to be another hard one to resize well. Anyhoo, it's Chibi-O-Rama! *l* I present to you 21, count'em, 21 chibi gargies. This pic's got a bit of everything and everyone. Even some of the not-often-mentioned, like Matt Bluestone (he's holding an Illuminati Eye, if'n it's hard t' tell) and the lovely Princess Katherine. 'Course there's also the standard Manhatten Clan, plus MacBeth, Demona, Owen and Xanatos, and sprinkled throughout a couple of my own (including a -human- Syrus Berkeley). I thought I'd never get this thing done! But it was well worth the time spent coloring. Enjoy! |
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Title: Artist: Damocles [Damocles' Webpage] If there's one thing about going SD, it's the pre-requisite malleting. And who has a better reason to mallet anyone else than Macbeth? heheheh. ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: MAui [MAui's Webpage] Chatters beware..your in for a SCARE!!!^_^ From left to right this iiisssss...*deep breath* Brooklyn Magus, MAui, Ricky, Sashay, Wingless(in the back there;),Tiger Kat, Destiny, AAAND ketnar. YES there was TONS mroe ppls I wanted to put into this, but 8 1/2 x 11 paper is only so large...8 1/2 x 11 to be exact ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: Amy K. Cyrway [Amy's Webpage] Cav, Ukchan, and Stormy have but one thing in common...ie, The Perfect Guy... ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: Eden [Eden's Island] This is my first attempt a a Chibi, Super Deformed...thingy *L* I never drew them before because...well frankly, THE LITTLE BUGGERS SCARE THE BEEGEEZERS OUTTA ME!! To me they look like evil little Leprachans! Like Refugees from Darby O'Gill And The Little People!! I know behind those cute triangular smiles and big sweet eyes, their plans for world domination are coming into play! So here is Chibi Eden terrorizing her typist..Yes I did write this at 2am...yes I do need coffee... |
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Title: Artist: Litazia I pulled some all-nighters the previous week (not fun in the best of times), and of COURSE I have early classes the next morning, so needless to say I was fried. I just felt really stressed out, and so during my morning class, to relieve the tension, I doodled a stressed SD goyle, and that evolved into this month's entry. The three gargoyles you see are, going from left to right, Archon (an original creation, no relation to Demona), Artisan (another original) and Moloch (November's MGC entry). Fun to draw, what can I say :) |
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Title: Artist: Spike [Spike's Webpage] Since the topic is "SD Island", I thought I'd go with an island pose and what better than to be lounging at poolside like ol' Spike here? Just keep bringin' them margaritas.... Additional entries: Chibi C: My first practice chibi -- me with a really big Prismacolor Chibi S: Rock Star Spike |
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Title: Artist: Hecate [Hecate] This is my first MGC entry and I'm not used to SD style, so please be gentle. Anyway, this picture is of my character and of the characters of 2 of my good friends from AOL chat. |
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Title: Artist: Shing Khor [Shing's Webpage] ...well, I was a little idea-less this month; then my stuffed Snoopy got mutilated in the laundry and...well, anyway, this is what resulted-a very well loved Demona doll. |
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Title: Artist: Kitan/DragonCelt [Kitan's Webpage] Well, I swore long ago I'd never draw anime...now look at me! *shrugs helplessly. But, I really like this picture...it's a little beyond what I normally draw, but it was a lot of fun to draw. Major points I love about this picture are 1) Auryn the dragon's expression, 2) the scribbly-ish forest background because I hardly ever do backgrounds, and 3) the facial expressions. My scanner didn't pick up much of the shading, but I think you can see some. Anyway, look and enjoy!!! *waves. |
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Title: Artist: lady shadow [Lady Shadow's Webpage] Haven't been online for sometime...Woohoo I finally got off my butt and did a pic...It's very inspired by Aimee's Cute Tutorial and Cute pics she has done so many of...I thought that St. Patricks day would be a great theme, considering it is March. It's my Gargoyle character, Lady Shadow, enjoying and celebrating St. Patrick's Day 2000!!!! |
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Title: Artist: Amelia Elf [Amelia's Webpage] This is a chibi-ized version of a pic I did a little while ago called "El Toreador." I had an impish little streak when I was drawing it, since I decided *not* to make the bull SD too! Bwahahaha! Poor Chibi-Toreador. :) |
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Title: Artist: Coyote the Bando [Coyote the Bando's Webpage] **looks at pic** Hmm, maybe I shoulda submitted this last month ... Anyway, the story goes, a couple years ago I posted a black and white picture of my RL self and my online self. That's the roly-poly green gentleman. The girl he's doing the Tango Maureen with is the object of his affection, as described in one of her own fic cycles. Chibify them and throw in Rosanna and Demmie making smart-aleck remarks in the backdrop, and you have this pic. Which I now humbly submit to you for your approval, and do hereby dedicate to the Queen of the Chibis (not to mention the love of my life), the lovely and talented Mara Cordova. :) |
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Title: Artist: Medusa [Medusa's Webpage] It's not really "SD" but in my vague, anime style. I kept the abbreviation 'SD' in my mind and they did come out rather small - otherwise I'd have drawn 'em in my own style. :P But anyway, it's me(the one with the cap, I'm the only girl there!) and my buddies IRL. We have a passion for huge...huge...mallets <:) This one took _forever_!!! O_O *screams* |
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Title: Artist: Caryn [Caryn's Webpage] As I drew these two sd gargoyles, I decided they needed names and a story. They both live on Avalon, and they are very close; they have been since they were just hatchlings. On the left is Torin, a very serious yet sensitive gargoyle. Next to him is his happy-go-lucky rookery sister, Aislin; who is just about has joyous and cheerful as a gargoyle can get. Here they are... super deformed!! It reminds me of a cute photograph ^_^ |
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Title: Artist: Marie Noire [Marie's Webpage] Meet Destiny, one of my fan fic characters! Under normal circumstances she looks like THIS. But she fell into the Super-Deformed machine and now look what happened! Her hair drags on the ground now! She'll be tripping over it when she walks! "Ack! I'm twelve years old again!" |
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Title: Artist: Daniel DiCenso I made up this pic whaen I first started practicing doing Gargoyles "manga style." I think the image and name says it all! |
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Title: Artist: Mike Rieger [Mike's Webpage] This is a pic of my wife Keziah's gargoyle, Shawnessy. (Named for the Calgary subdivision she grew up in.) The larger rendering was my original attempt, but I was duly informed by Kez, who is also the resident anime enthusiast, that it wasn't quite deformed ENOUGH. Since I've learned not to challenge her authority on weighty matters such as these: I took a second crack at it, drawing a more deformed Shawn along with Hawkstone (my character, named for an area of Calgary I've never lived anywhere near). That passed inspection--but then I decided that I liked the original better anyhow, so I included the new two on the bottom of the first one. |
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Title: Artist: Zoe Bastet [Zoe's Webpage] I've noticed how much Gargoyles fans hate Pokemon, so I couldn't resist. Brooklyn is based loosly off an electrabuzz, Lex is a squitle, and Goliath at a little anoyed that I turned him into a Pikachu...*ZAP* OUCH, ok sorry i'll chance you back in a minute...*ZAP* damn, fine i'm on it, he really caught on to that thundershock thing quickley! I know, i'm a sick, sick person for doing this, but no letter bombs please. |
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Title: Artist: Kessalia The idea was inspired by Spike's Chibi-Christy drawing with the oversized pencil, Aimee's tutorial that said to change the size of the things that made your character themself, and a VERY dull Hydrogeology lecture.*L* And Kanthara who asked me to try in the first place and Arno who laughed and gave me the nerve to submit it. ;) |
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Title: Artist: Karlyl [Karlyl's Webpage] Oy oy! This is Karlyl...and how I feel about life at the moment i drew this ^^;; |
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Title: Artist: Stormy [Stormy's Webpage] One morning, strolling down by the docks of SD Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland, Chibi-Whitbourne found a sort of magic he could get to like. :) Whitbourne character by Dylan P. Blacquiere, used with permission. Additional entries: SD Luther and Duke: Luther's looking more innocent than ever before, but even a cute Duke still looks like trouble... |
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Title: Artist: Kanthara [Kanthara's Webpage] Well, work and life in general have been a real source of stress lately. So I have to manage this stress. Fortunately, my method of handling stress is letting it loose in art, and this drawing is the result of it. Fortunately again, I handle my stress much better than Kanthara does. This pic is appropriately named: Stress Management, the Kanthara Way. Oh yeah, and the figure peeking from behind the computer desk is my very understanding boyfriend, Patrick. Love you! Additional entries: SD-Coraly |
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Title: Artist: Aimee Major [Aimee's Webpage] Bleh, I did lots of chibi pics inspired by this month's topic... however, I still wanted to do a final more involved pic! I just haven't had ANY time! But I can't just not submit the pics I did... So here they are. Thanks for your understanding. The first (eep.gif) is Chibi Pogo getting pounced by AimGoyle (a typically chibi hobby) pogosit: Chibi Pogo sitting at a bar counter pogopose: Chibi Pogo doing life drawing modeling with his dowel! pogopose3: Another pic of Chibi Pogo doing life drawing posing! (With his most typical expression while posing, on a stool this time). Yes, he's vain, but he loves getting pics so much! :) |
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Title: Artist: Shinga [Shinga's Webpage] Gaea(the pink one with the blonde hair) casts a spell and messes up juust a little... (aren't they CUTE like that though?!!? LOL) |
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Title: Artist: Briana Barber [Briana's Webpage] This is my first ever submission for the monthly gargoyles contest and my first real stab at chibby style drawing. I conciderd drawing Angela but instead I drew Myself as a gargess and it turned out pretty good :) |
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Title: Artist: Kaylee Skylyn [Kaylee's Webpage] Well this is my very first attempt at a Chibi, and my first MGC entry(I couldnt resist the topic). I was browsing the ones already entered and this image poped into my head, and I didn't have to go to one of my classes, so here it is. Enjoy! :) |
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Title: Artist: Tara Godwin [Tara's Webpage] I drew this at work feeling very small under a large pile of papers.The number on her uniform is the trouble ticket number i was working at the time. The only thing that this is missing in my opinion are those horrible little cubes....GIVE ME SPACE!!! |
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All artwork displayed © by the artist.