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Come out into the night and play you Diamond Dogs and Gentleman Gargs! Draw canon characters or original characters as workers, customers or performers at the Moulin Rouge!
Mascot image by Zoe!
Moulin Rouge Moviesite
Moulin Rouge Fanlisting
Love at the Moulin Rouge
Entry | Artistic Votes | Creativity Votes | |
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Title: Angel Of Night Artist: Cindy "Eden" Kinnard [Eden's Island] Probably my all time favorite movie. I could go on for hours about the art direction and design of that movie...but I won't. ANYWAYS, one details I loved about Moulin Rouge was that every can-can dancer had their own individual theme (India, Baby Doll, Juno..etc). My take on this was what if one of the can-can dancers had a gargoyle theme? The designer in me leaped out on this one. If I had the money and time, I'd attempt this at the Gathering Cosplay. Ahh, to dream. *le sigh*. ;) |
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Title: Delilah, the Sparkling Diamond Artist: Dara "Weirdlet" Williamson Delilah, the Sparkling Diamond, the perfect courtesean and the most beautiful creature of the night and the underworld. I looked at the theme, and the very first association that appeared, like it had been there the whole time!- Delilah and Satine. |
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Title: Midnight Abscinthe Artist: Leah Bloomfield [Tiger Territory] I had so much fun making this piece. I haven't experimented like this since I was learning how to paint with paint shop pro. I wanted to capture the film's vibrancy and the lights and feel of the Moulin Rouge movie. I adore the director and a simple homage to his work is what I would have liked to create. Created in photoshop, and also inspired by a friend - Phrank. |
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Title: My Angle Artist: Frances Ng @ Kuning! This pic is dedicated to Aimee, Steph, Crzy, Kythera and all you great gargoyle art people out there. You have been a great inspiration through the years, thank you! |
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Title: Moulin Rouge New Year Artist: Margaret Demona May Stephens [Night Stone Unlimited] Here is something for the Gargoyles to have some fun time celabrating the new year the Moulin Rouge style, Angela and Elisa doing their a show.. ~~((The backgound was done by useing once piece of a nice picture of windmill with a clock from Moulin Rouge Movie .. I love that picture soo I use it for placeing it as a background the other pieces was drawn and place them in.. The Lettering was draw on over the area.. Then I do seprated drawn the two characters Angela and Elisa on the computer, Cutting them out and place them on the background and color them in.. It took some time I finely got it done in one week time I started it on the Dec 1st around 9pm . I finely got it done today Dec 8th around 1:30pm .. I have to explane it out soo everone will know that the once pice of the picture is from the Moulin Rouge movie thats all I took for doing the background the others pices was done by hand on computer.. Thank you for listening to me..))~~ *^_^* Have a Happy New year!! |
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Title: Heart of the Night Artist: Ravyn Maza This is my first time entering MGC, so be gentle! :) This is one of the gargoyle performers, nicknamed the Heart of the Night, at the Moulin Rouge. Drawn with pencil in a lab notebook, then scanned and computer colored later. Enjoy! |
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Title: The Sitar Player and his Courtesan Artist: Nicky Dee [NikkiD's Refuge] I always wanted to draw a scene where two lovers are looking at each other, eye to eye, their lips about to touch. I drew this scene of with my two characters, Ebony and Egor, as the Sitar Player (Egor) looking into the eyes of his love, the Courtesan (Ebony). Egor has the typical bow tie, while Ebony has a string of jewels tied through her hair. I hope you like it!!! |
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Title: Who said EVERYONE likes Moulan Rouge? Artist: Ai Gargoyle My first entry!!! *squeals* Okay, now I'll get down to business...This is my character Ai, who doesn't seem too happy being dressed up in a Moulan Rouge like outfit...OO;; Anyhow, she is (or wants to be) a Wiccan Gargoyle and is also an orphen :(, but she makes it in the end.:)So...My first entry pic. Sorry for: 1)Spelling errors 2)Accurracy (I never seen the movie Moulan Rouge) and 3)Poor coloring (Ai is a black skined Gargoyle, has red eyes and a bright green Emerald on her head + I usually don't color my pictures.) |
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Title: Coy Gargoyle Artist: Marilyn "Gargress" Torres [Kawaii Angel] This is my first MGC entry, so here goes. When I saw the theme was "Moulin Rouge" I *had* to jump on it, so I went with an original gargoyle character dancer. The inside of the skirt was a sample of lots of red ruffles made into a "Pattern" in Photoshop, the background a screen cap from the movie, and of course the "Beauty" logo from a movie poster of "Satine." Overall, I wanted a promotional poster look for a gargoyles version of "Moulin Rouge." Wouldn't that be neat? (^-^)d |
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Title: Ah... Love Artist: Shannon (emilylorange) Fowler [DarkElementals.com] For the hopeless romantics amoung us. The firey young girl and the creepishly cool guy. Now we know what red peachfuzz looks like on a blue person. Neat. |
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Title: I'm the Green Fairy Artist: Angie 'Jessie' McClelland No, I didn't have any absenthe (sp?) nor drugs of any kind. Though if I HAD I would have had an excuse for this. *hides from Lex fans* |
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Title: Swinging Fox Artist: Spacebabie [Shatterd Fantasy] Fox and David Xanatos fill in the roles of Moulin Rouge's romantic couple. |
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Title: Tango De Roxanne Artist: Shinigami [baranotenshi@hotmail.com] My favorite part in the whole movie has to be the Tango De Roxanne, especially since my fave chars are the Narcoleptic Argentinian and Neeny Legs in the Air. (Fun names aren't they?) Anyway, I think Fang and Demona fit these roles perfectly. Go watch the movie, people. |
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Title: Demona at the Moulin Rouge Artist: Sanjana Baijnath [:: Synthesise ::] My intent was to create a Mucha-esque poster, advertising the Gargoyle Moulin Rouge while featuring one of the star performers, Demona. The real Moulin Rouge opened in 1885, around the same time that Alphonse Mucha was creating his art, so I thought that it was fitting to do a poster in the style of this artist. Ultimately I have created a poster that looks as if it has been on an old paris wall for decade; weathered and yellowed with age. ^_^ |
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Title: 1890 - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at Moulin Rouge Artist: Epantiras [Epantiras's Den] I've drawn the two characters with pastel crayons and the background with Paint Shop Pro. I decided to draw the painter Toulouse-Lautrec because he was a famous customer of the Moulin Rouge: he used to sit down at his own table and paint. |
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Title: Ceci Tuera Cela Artist: J.Y. Zhang [looks nothing like me] Drat, someone's beaten me to Toulouse-Lautrec! ;) "Ceci tuera cela" = this will kill that (quote from Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame) I thought it was a fitting theme to express the sheer madness of the Moulin Rouge movie, the in-your-face-ness followed by the crushing melancholy. Who better to embody this than Toulouse-Lautrec, who because of his deformities was quite the laughing-stock at the Moulin Rouge. I've drawn a take on a trick photo someone had done of him posing for a self-portrait; his "self" tormented by images of beautiful people (unable to find love, he took to drowning his sorrows in alcohol, which ultimately killed him). This is my first entry, and it's done in gouache, with a lot of blurb :) |
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Title: To Love and Be Loved Artist: CT [Gargoyles x Gundams] "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." With that in mind, may I present Fox ala "The Sparkling Diamond" and Zanatos. Ink and colored pencil. |
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Title: The Greatest Thing... Artist: Aimee Steinberger [aimeemajor.com] 'The Greatest Thing, You'll Ever Learn, Is Just To Love, and Be Loved in Return.' Moulin Rouge is one of my all-time favorite movies. It never fails to make me cry. Moulin Rouge really just goes to burn this love story on your eyeballs whether you like it or not... Me? I like it. This is an MGC topic, but I'd been wanting to do a Moulin Rouge inspired pic for a while. Done with Tria Markers and white Gel pen. I figured that it would be fitting for the lover to be human, and the dying courtesan to be Gargoyle... their love all the more tragic. ;) |
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Title: Moulinrogue Artist: Kelshar [DragonCliff] This time, I drew my main chars dressed, for Yalena as a Moulin Rouge Dancer and for Kelshar, as he got wrong, with less conventional clothes. Anyway, wish all of you a happy new year ! ;-) |
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Title: Take the Stage Artist: Lynati Not for voting Inspired by the movie, Pele's stage show takes on a Moulin Rouge flavor. |
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Title: ..Just for One Day Artist: Y2Hecate [Hecatomb] Woo.. I've been on vacation, without access to my normal art stuff, but I couldn't resist trying to do something for this topic. So, I just did up a simple inked picture of Panic and.. someone.. in a pose from the movie. Good luck to everyone! Hope you all have had Happy Holidays! |
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Title: Ruffles and Ridges Artist: Sara Berkeley [Imaginator Central] Coming in at the last possible second once again! Since I didn't get a good idea until a few hours before deadline, I couldn't finish the coloring, but it still looks nicely polished, and I'm happy. I liked the music of Moulin Rouge more than anything else, so a bit of that was my inspiration. |
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All artwork displayed © by the artist.